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We seek to provide participants with a rigorous, challenging, and fun competition. If you have any queries, we're more than willing to help!
Who can take part in AstroChallenge?AstroChallenge is currently only open to Singaporean schools. It is tailored for students in Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, and similar Institutions. Schools are free to send in any number of teams per category: ● Senior Category For all Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, and Institutes ● Junior Category For all Secondary Schools Schools with Integrated Programme (IP) may also send their students in the Junior Category if they are in a year system equivalent to Secondary 4 or below, and are 16 years old and below as of 1 Jan of the year AstroChallenge is held.
What is the cost of registration?The registration fee changes from year to year due to different operational costs and logistical requirements. For reference purposes, the registration cost was $70 per team of 4 to 5 members for AstroChallenge 2021, or $20 per person for teams of less than 4 members at the point of registration.
When is AstroChallenge held?AstroChallenge is held annually in June. We try to avoid clashes with other competitions such as Olympiads, or national examinations such as the O Level Higher Mother Tongue Oral Examination.
What kind of questions will be asked during the competition?The AstroChallenge syllabus is updated annually and can be found under "Resources". All questions will fall under at least one of the topics stated in the syllabus. The nature of the question will depend on the round. For example, the Individual Round consists purely of MCQ questions, while the Team Round consists mainly of open-ended short-answer questions. For a better sensing of questions, kindly refer to past year papers.
How many rounds does the competition have?There are a total of rounds: ● Individual Round Written MCQ paper testing theoretical knowledge ● Team Round Written DRQ paper testing theoretical knowledge ● Project Round Project-based paper conducted over a few weeks testing presentation skills and theoretical knowledge ● Observation Round Written paper testing theoretical knowledge and hands-on paper testing practical knowledge ● Finals Round Game-show based question and answer testing theoretical and practical knowledge
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